Practice Area: Judiciary & Courts

Dealing with Implicit Bias During Jury Selection

Implicit Bias. It’s an issue we discuss often, but what does it mean in the context of choosing a jury? The Criminal Justice Section held a panel during Annual Meeting to discuss how implicit bias should be handled during voir dire. With recent changes to jury instructions including a mandatory video presented to prospective jurors, … Continued

NYSBA Executive Committee Approves Resolution To Form Committee on the Selection of Judges for the Court of Appeals

The New York State Bar Association Executive Committee today approved the appointment of a Special Committee on the Selection of Judges for the Court of Appeals in response to concerns raised in recent weeks over the appointment of a chief judge. The committee will examine the selection process, including its history, and make recommendations to … Continued

New York State Bar Association Tackles the Metaverse and NFTs

At a New York State Bar Association program on the metaverse Friday at the NYU School of Law, the first order of business was establishing exactly what the metaverse is. A lot of people believe it’s a homogenous place next to the real world where avatars interact. The reality is that it’s many places and … Continued

Great Dissents: ‘Matters of High Principle’ at the Court of Appeals

Some of the greatest opinions in Supreme Court history are dissents.[1] To be sure, Justice John Marshall Harlan’s lone dissenting opinion in Plessy v. Ferguson would be included in any “greatest” list. Protesting the majority’s separate-but-equal doctrine, Harlan insisted that “[o]ur Constitution is color-blind and neither knows nor tolerates classes among citizens.” As every law … Continued