Practice Area: Judiciary & Courts

New York State Bar Association Tackles the Metaverse and NFTs

At a New York State Bar Association program on the metaverse Friday at the NYU School of Law, the first order of business was establishing exactly what the metaverse is. A lot of people believe it’s a homogenous place next to the real world where avatars interact. The reality is that it’s many places and … Continued

Great Dissents: ‘Matters of High Principle’ at the Court of Appeals

Some of the greatest opinions in Supreme Court history are dissents.[1] To be sure, Justice John Marshall Harlan’s lone dissenting opinion in Plessy v. Ferguson would be included in any “greatest” list. Protesting the majority’s separate-but-equal doctrine, Harlan insisted that “[o]ur Constitution is color-blind and neither knows nor tolerates classes among citizens.” As every law … Continued