Practice Area: International

Member Spotlight: Helen Naves

NYSBA is such a diverse and friendly community open to lawyers from all over the world who want to be integrated and connected to their peers. It’s a place to learn about the law, which is constantly evolving and to share professional experiences.

NYSBA Forges Alliance With Georgian Bar Association

As part of its mission to forge relationships, advance justice and strengthen the legal profession across the world, the New York State Bar Association entered a collaboration with the Georgian Bar Association today. Two representatives from each bar association met at the Bar Center on Elk Street in Albany on Thursday to sign an official … Continued

The Brexit Deal Between the EU and the UK: What’s the Effect on Compliance?

The European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK) finally reached a post-Brexit deal at the end of 2020 to establish a new relationship for the future. This article provides a snapshot of what this is about along with some thoughts about what this means for compliance with a particular focus on the hot topic of personal data transfers.

International Section Update: Asia-Pacific Region

The International Section has more than 60 chapters globally.  Among them, there are 10 chapters in the Asia-Pacific region.  The Section held section conferences in Hanoi (2013), Seoul (2018) and Tokyo (2019).  Inability to travel internationally due to the pandemic in 2020, together with the unavoidable time difference, has made continuing connections between New York … Continued

Ireland for Law

  The Government of Ireland has adopted a strategy to promote Irish law and Irish legal services to international business in recognition of Ireland being the only English-speaking common-law jurisdiction in the European Union. With its highly developed legal services sector, it is a jurisdiction of choice for commercial contracts and international dispute resolution. Ireland is recognised … Continued

Voices from NYSBA Global: Ulrich Fobian

Opening Address (adapted version) by Ulrich Fobian during the Human Rights Plenary, delivered on November 8, 2019 at the New York State Bar Associations’s Conference in Tokyo. I am white. 白人です. (I am white) I am South African. 南アフリカ人です. (I am South African) I am a beneficiary of a singular and exclusive society. I was … Continued

NYSBA To Reach Out to World’s Bar Associations

Over the next five months, New York State Bar Association President Hank Greenberg will reach out to every major bar association around the world. “Our goal is to make connections and to enter into memoranda of understanding (MOUs) with as many international bar associations as possible,” said Greenberg. “This is the future of our association,” … Continued