One on One- Vol. 45 No. 2
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The New York State Bar Association is providing immediate relief to its members as the demands of 24/7 lawyering upend the delicate work/life balance that is so essential to attorney well-being. Domenick Napoletano, president of NYSBA and a solo practitioner in Brooklyn, announced Tuesday that the association has amassed a library of 20 automated forms … Continued
Social media affects the public’s perception and results of jury trials – and legal experts are examining the true impact. Brian Donnelly and Gary Muhlstock, partners at Cullen and Dykman, discussed how social media has already affected court cases in a New York State Bar Association Continuing Legal Education course. The Effect on Jurors “Does … Continued
The New York State Bar Association’s Membership Committee, chaired by Clotelle Drakeford of the Legal Aid Society of Westchester County and Michelle Wildgrube, a partner at Cioffi Slezak Wildgrube, proposed a subscription plan for association membership at the House of Delegates’ summer meeting June 10th. The House of Delegates enthusiastically approved the concept of the … Continued
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The state Assembly voted on June 7 to repeal Judiciary Law Section 470, which requires lawyers admitted to practice in New York – but residing in other states – to have a law office in the state. The state Senate has already approved the bill, which now goes to Gov. Kathy Hochul for her signature. … Continued
Over the past several years, the number of cases taken on and decided by the Court of Appeals, New York’s highest court, has declined. In 2016, the court decided 225 cases. This decreased to 142 in 2017, 136 in 2018, 108 in 2019, to 96 cases in 2020. In 2021, the Court of Appeals decided … Continued
You have a client in Europe who needs to sign a document before a notary public. Generally, you would instruct your client to appear before the United States Embassy for notarial services similar to the functions of a New York notary public. What would happen if your client was in a country where there is … Continued
Domenick Napoletano will become the president-elect of the New York State Bar Association on June 1. Napoletano, who has been the association’s treasurer for almost four years, is chairing the association’s Working Group on Facial Recognition Software and Access to Legal Representation. The working group is researching the implications of facial recognition software on civil … Continued