Practice Area: Litigation & Trials

New York State Bar Association Honors Westchester Attorney for Promoting Diversity in the Legal Profession

Jacqueline Hattar was presented with the Ruth Bader Ginsburg Vanguard Award in a virtual ceremony on Oct. 9. Hattar, a partner at Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker, advises individuals, small businesses, and property owners on tort liability, wrongful death, construction accidents and labor law matters. She has spearheaded diversity efforts at her firm including … Continued

New York State Bar Association President Calls Removal of Notary Requirement in Civil Cases a Big Step Forward for Access to Justice

A new law allowing litigants in a civil case to file affidavits and other sworn documents without getting them notarized will eliminate unnecessary delays and needless costs in civil lawsuits. “This law is a big step forward for access to justice,” said Richard Lewis, president of the New York State Bar Association. “The notarization requirement … Continued

Social Media Can Change Outcomes in the Courtroom

Social media affects the public’s perception and results of jury trials – and legal experts are examining the true impact. Brian Donnelly and Gary Muhlstock, partners at Cullen and Dykman, discussed how social media has already affected court cases in a New York State Bar Association Continuing Legal Education course. The Effect on Jurors “Does … Continued