NYSBA’s Antitrust Law Section offers members excellent opportunities to enhance their knowledge and expertise by participating in Section activities.

Through events featuring outstanding speakers, members can examine critical developments in antitrust. The Section also co-sponsors MCLE programs for New York State Bar Association members at special member rates.

All of these activities enable you to stay on top of the constantly developing field of antitrust law, as well as meet and work with colleagues who share your interests.

Membership in the New York State Bar Association’s Antitrust Law Section is a valuable way for you to keep up to date on the growing number of issues and concerns that face the ever-changing legal profession.



Membership in NYSBA’s Antitrust Law Section is a valuable way to:

  • Enhance professional skills
  • Join colleagues in exciting Section events
  • Increase your network of contacts in the practice of antitrust law


Participation in Section Activities Is Easy

The Section offers its members a variety of ways to participate, including joining a committee and attending our many educational and networking programs.

The Antitrust Law Section aims to address the complex issues that constantly arise in the field and communicate about antitrust law with the profession as a whole. Our committees meet regularly to discuss case developments, present both in-person and virtual programs, and produce podcasts. The Section’s Annual Meeting is an all-day CLE program put on by experienced practitioners (including enforcement agency officials), economists, and businesspersons discussing the most current antitrust issues.



The Antitrust Law Section also publishes the annual Antitrust Law Section Symposium, a transcript of the Section’s extremely popular NYSBA Annual Meeting program. In addition, resources available on the website include substantive case reviews and a comprehensive listing of links relevant to the Section, including our podcasts, and online access to Section publications and special reports.

The Antitrust Law Section continues to be on the forefront of introducing, monitoring, and evaluating legal developments in the areas of antitrust law, including criminal enforcement, private litigation, including class actions, and merger review at both federal and New York State levels.


Contact the Antitrust Law Section Liaison

To learn more about this Section, please contact Sharmin Woodall
[email protected]
(518) 487-5686


Robin van der Meulen

Robin A. van der Meulen is a partner at Scott + Scott Attorneys at Law LLP in the firm’s New York City office. Robin represents businesses, public pension funds, and end-payor plaintiffs in complex antitrust and commodities class actions. She has 15 years of experience litigating a wide variety of antitrust matters, including price-fixing, monopolization, benchmark and commodities manipulation, pay-for-delay agreements, and other anticompetitive practices.

Robin received her JD from Brooklyn Law School and her BA from Columbia University.

Past Section Chairs

1949-1958 – Charles Wesley Dunn
1958-1961 – Breck P. McAllister
1961-1962 – Jerrold G. VanCise
1962-1963 – Taggart Whipple
1963-1964 – Kendall B. DeBevoise
1964-1965 – Albert R. Connelly
1965-1966 – Edgar E. Barton
1966-1967 – William M. Sayre
1967-1968 – Ira M. Millstein
1968-1969 – John W. Barnum
1969-1970 – Seymour D. Lewis
1970-1971 – George D. Reycraft
1971-1972 – Joshua F. Greenberg
1972-1973 – James R. Withrow, Jr.
1973-1974 – William T. Lifland
1974-1975 – Robert A. Longman
1975-1976 – George J. Wade
1976-1977 – William E. Willis
1977-1978 – Edward Wolfe
1978-1979 – Eleanor M. Fox
1979-1980 – Henry L. King
1980-1981 – Irving Scher
1981-1982 – James T. Halverson
1982-1983 – Stephen M. Axinn
1983-1984 – Kimba W. Wood
1984-1985 – Walter Barthold
1985-1986 – Sanford Litvack
1986-1987 – Prof. Barry E. Hawk
1987-1988 – Veron E. Vig
1988-1989 – Norma B. Levy
1989-1990 – Lloyd Constantine
1990-1991 – Lloyd Constantine
1991-1992 – Lawrence I. Fox
1992-1993 – Lawrence I. Fox
1993-1994 – Stephen D. Houck
1994-1995 – Alan J. Weinschel
1995-1996 – Alan J. Weinschel
1996-1997 – Edward D. Cavanagh
1997-1998 – Barry J. Brett
1998-1999 – Michael Malina
1999-2000 – Robert L. Hubbard
2000-2001 – Martha E. Gifford
2001-2002 – Kenneth R. Logan
2002-2003 – Steven M. Edwards
2003-7/3/03 – Pamela Jones Harbour**
2003-2005 – Barbara Anthony
2005-2006 – Steven Tugander
2006-2007 – Ilene Knable Gotts
2007-2008 – Saul P. Morgenstern
2008-2009 – Stacey Anne Mahoney
2009-2010 – Bruce J. Prager
2010-2011 – Stephen S. Madsen
2011-2012 – Jay L. Himes
2012-2013 – William H. Rooney
2013-2014 – Eric J. Stock
2014-2015 – Barbara J. Hart
2015-2016 – Elai Katz
2016-2017 – Lisl J. Dunlop
2017-2018 – Michael L. Weiner
2018-2019 – Wesley R. Powell
2019-2020 – Nicholas E. Gaglio
2020 – Hollis Salzman
2020 – 2021 – Benjamin Sirota
2022 – 2023 – Elaine Johnston
2023 – 2024 – Mary K. Marks

Online Community

Antitrust Law Section Symposium

Antitrust Law Section Symposium

The Antitrust Law Section Symposium is the published transcript of the Antitrust Law Section’s symposium held at NYSBA’s Annual Meeting in January. Edited by Robert L. Hubbard of the Attorney General’s Office and Michelle Clerkin of Motley Rice LLC, the Symposium includes panel discussions and an annual review of antitrust developments. The Antitrust Law Section Symposium is published once per year and distributed to Section Members free of charge.

The Antitrust Law Section Symposium is published as a benefit for members of the Antitrust Law Section and is copyrighted by the New York State Bar Association.

Section Chair’s Report


Section Service Awards

The Antitrust Law Section confers three service awards. The William T. Lifland Service Award has been given since 1997 and was renamed in honor of its first recipient, William T. Lifland, in 2007. The Distinguished Public Service Award was created in 2007. The Justin Batten Award for Outstanding Service by a Young Lawyer was created in 2021 and named in honor of its first recipient, Justin Batten.

William T. Lifland Service Award

The NYSBA Antitrust Section’s William T. Lifland Award is presented to antitrust practitioners in recognition of their contributions and accomplishments in the field of antitrust. The Service Award acknowledges those who throughout their professional careers have distinguished themselves as leading antitrust practitioners as well as serving the broader antitrust community in a leadership role. The Service Award is presented to the recipient by the Antitrust Section during the Antitrust Section’s annual dinner.

Distinguished Public Service Award

The Public Service Award is made periodically and acknowledges those who have distinguished themselves not only as leading antitrust practitioners, but as individuals who have brought distinction to the antitrust bar as a whole by making significant leadership contributions to the public interest through their service to the bar and to society generally.  The Award is presented to the recipient by the Antitrust Section at its annual dinner.

2007 – Ira M. Millstein
2008 – Joel Klein
2011 – Robert D. Joffe (posthumously)
2014 – Eleanor M. Fox
2017 – Hon. Paul A. Crotty
2021 – Steven M. Edwards (posthumously)
2024 – Harry First

Justin Batten Award for Outstanding Service by a Young Lawyer

The NYSBA Antitrust Section’s Justin Batten Award for Outstanding Service by a Young Lawyer is presented to practitioners who have been admitted to practice for not more than eight years in recognition of their outstanding service and contributions to the Antitrust Section. The Justin Batten Service Award acknowledges young lawyers who early in their careers engage with the Antitrust Section’s committees and activities while showing great enthusiasm and leadership. The Justin Batten Service Award is presented every other year to the recipient by the Antitrust Section during the Antitrust Section’s annual dinner. The award is named after Justin Batten, a remarkable young antitrust lawyer who was taken from us too early.

2021 – Justin Batten (posthumously)
2024 – Beatriz Marques

Writing Competition

Annual Law Student Writing Competition (2023-24)

$5,000 cash prize and publication of the winning article

Submissions due May 30, 2024

  • Eligible articles must be written by a currently- enrolled or graduating student at a New York State Law School or by a New York State resident at any ABA-accredited law school outside of New York State.
  • Eligible papers include notes, comments and articles and should generally be 20-30 pages in length, with footnotes. In no event may papers exceed 50 pages, with footnotes.
  • Eligible papers may address any topic of general interest to the to antitrust law community, including topics relating to civil and criminal antitrust law, competition policy, consumer protection and international competition law.
  • Jointly prepared papers are not eligible.

Submission Details

Download and complete the Entry Form below.

Submit an electronic copy of the paper, along with a completed Entry Form, by May 30, 2024, to:

Professor Edward D. Cavanagh
St. John’s University School of Law
8000 Utopia Parkway
Queens, NY 11439

[email protected]

The winner will be announced in Fall 2024. The first place winner will receive a check for $5,000.

If you have questions, contact Prof. Edward D. Cavanagh at 718 990-6621 or at [email protected]


Hollis Salzman Women’s Leadership Fellowship

About the Fellowship
The Hollis Salzman Women’s Leadership Fellowship has been established by the New York State Bar Association’s Antitrust Section to honor the memory of Hollis Salzman (1965-2020). Hollis was a pre-eminent antitrust attorney and long-time member of the NYSBA Antitrust Section, serving on its Executive Committee, and as Secretary, Vice Chair, and finally Chair of the Section in 2020. Hollis’s leadership of, and many contributions to, the Antitrust Section helped it become a stronger, more vibrant, and more inclusive organization. In addition to her impressive professional career, Hollis is remembered as a leader who devoted significant time and energy to mentoring younger lawyers – particularly women lawyers. She campaigned for recognition of the accomplishments of women lawyers within law firms and other organizations and for women to hold leadership positions in significant litigations.

The Fellowship is designed to support and promote women antitrust lawyers who are in the mid-stage of their careers and seeking to move to the next level. This is an underserved group: while there are several opportunities and programs aimed at law students and very junior lawyers, limited resources and attention have been directed towards promoting women with several years of practice and supporting their advancement to a more senior level of the profession. This is the first program supported by the Antitrust Section that is aimed specifically at developing women in antitrust.

Fellowship Details
One Fellow will be selected bi-annually to attend a high-level leadership program aimed at developing and enabling women lawyers to move to the next level of their careers. For 2024, the Section has chosen the Harvard Law School’s Women’s Leadership Initiative, which has held a seat in its 2024 in-person program for our Fellow. The Fellowship will cover course fees for the program, which includes tuition, course materials, accommodations, and most meals.

The Fellow will be expected to provide input to the Section on the program, serve as a mentor in the Section’s mentoring program, and participate in Antitrust Section events and other activities.

Applications for the 2024 Fellowship are open to women lawyers (including individuals who consistently live and self-identify as women, regardless of their gender assignment at birth) practicing antitrust law in New York State in their 7th to 13th year of practice post law-school. More senior applicants may also be considered on a case-by-case basis. Applicants must also be members of the NYSBA Antitrust Section.

Application Process
Applicants must submit the following:

  1. A completed application (form below)
  2. Cover letter including a statement of interest in the Fellowship (further details below)
  3. Resume
  4. Two letters of recommendation

The Fellow will be selected by a committee formed by the Antitrust Section. Following review of applications and an interview with the Fellowship Committee, the winning Fellow will be notified in mid-December and will be recognized at the Antitrust Section’s Annual Meeting in January 2024. The Fellow will attend the Harvard Law School Women’s Leadership Initiative program on January 30-February 2, 2024.

Application Deadline
Applications must be submitted by Friday November 3, 2023. Applications must be submitted by email to: [email protected]. Please include “Hollis Salzman Fellowship” in the subject line.

Further Information
For questions or further information about the program, please contact Barbara Hart at [email protected].


2022 – Rosa Morales

Antitrust Law Section Diversity Fellowship

Learn about the Diversity Fellowship here:


NYSBA Antitrust Law Section Mentoring Program

The Antitrust Law Section is looking for mentors and mentees for its 2022 mentoring program!

  • Mentees should be law students or junior attorneys in their first 5 years of practice. Mentors should be attorneys with 6 or more years of experience.
  • Mentors will provide guidance, direction and advice to their mentees, including insight on how to get more involved with the Antitrust Law Section.
  • The program will kick-off in January 2022 and run through December 2022.

How do I sign up?
To receive the mentor/mentee questionnaire to allow us to match you, please email Sharmin Woodall at [email protected]

Participation in the program is complimentary.

Program Archive

The Test of Time: Illinois Brick’s Past, Present Future (November 22, 2021)

Test of Time


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