Category: Latest News

President-Elect Candidate Statement: Timothy Fennell

As COVID closed down the country, we received notice that the practice of law was, with some exceptions, not essential. We were told our practices were being shut down. I recall one attorney who told me how he had to hide in his office with the blinds drawn so not to be in violation of … Continued

Former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson to Receive New York State Bar Association’s Highest Honor at Gala

Jeh Johnson, the former secretary of homeland security, will receive the New York State Bar Association’s Gold Medal Award, its highest honor, at the association’s Presidential Gala Jan. 18 at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. “Jeh has been a leader in diversity, equity and inclusion,” said Richard Lewis, president of the … Continued

ICYMI: NYSBA Task Force on Advancing Diversity Press Conference

  The report of the association’s Task Force on Advancing Diversity recommends colleges and graduate schools that want to achieve diversity should eliminate the preferential treatment in admissions given to athletes, the children of alumni and the family of donors. The  report also recommends moving away from standardized tests and grade point averages and focusing … Continued

New York State Bar Association Criticizes Hong Kong Government’s Action Against Pro-Democracy Legislator

New York State Bar Association President Richard Lewis issued the following statement about Dennis W.H. Kwok: Recently, the Hong Kong government issued an arrest warrant and a bounty of HK$1,000,000 (about US$127,500) for Dennis W.H. Kwok, a Hong Kong barrister, accusing him of committing an offense under Hong Kong’s draconian National Security Law for “collusion … Continued

Lawyers Called to Action To Aid New Arrivals in New York State

In late September, after months of negotiation between state governors and President Joe Biden, the United States will grant temporary deportation relief and access to work permits to Venezuelan migrants already in the country. Nearly half a million migrants who arrived here before July 31 will be eligible for temporary protected status for 18 months. … Continued

Eliminating Standardized Test Requirements, Ending Legacy Admissions Key To Diversity In Wake of U.S. Supreme Court Ruling

Co-Chairs Brad Karp, Jeh Johnson and Loretta Lynch with President Richard Lewis and members of the Task Force on Advancing Diversity. Photo credit: David Handschuh/OCA In the aftermath of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action, colleges and graduate schools that want to achieve diversity should eliminate the preferential treatment in admissions given to … Continued

NYSBA President Joins Chief Judge in Hearing on Civil Legal Services

A dozen representatives of civil legal service organizations, family court, and advocacy groups testified before a panel at the Court of Appeals in Albany led by Chief Judge Rowan Wilson. Panelists included Chief Administrative Judge Joseph Zayas, Presiding Justice Gerald Whalen (Fourth Department), Presiding Justice Hector LaSalle (Second Department), Presiding Justice Dianne Renwick (First Department) … Continued