The New York State Bar Association’s Entertainment, Arts & Sports Law Section (EASL) has more than 1,200 members representing varied interests, including some of the sexiest issues grabbing headlines, being debated in Congress, and argued in the courts. The EASL Section provides substantive case law forums for discussion and debate and information-sharing in the EASL e-community.


The Section has a large, active and diverse membership, with lawyers occupying every corner of the entertainment, art and sports law fields, at every level, from law students and first-year attorneys to senior partners at leading national and international firms and senior legal and business affairs executives at multinational media corporations.

While the majority of our members are located in New York City and around the state, we also have members in 28 other states and 20 countries, notably in Canada, China, most European countries and the UK, Japan, Korea and throughout the Pacific Rim.


The Section is composed of 28 committees, chaired by the members of the Executive Committee—all leading entertainment, art and sports law practitioners—and each committee hosts frequent, outstanding, and regularly oversubscribed CLE programs.

The Entertainment, Arts & Sports Law Section has been in the forefront of introducing, monitoring and evaluating legal developments in the areas of entertainment, art and sports law at both federal and New York State levels.


To learn more about this Section, please contact Sharmin Woodall
(518) 487-5686

Please do not contact the Section liaison with a request for legal advice or an attorney referral. You can instead visit our ‘Public Resources’ or ‘Lawyer Referral Service’ page for this type of request.


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