Practice Area: Government

Municipal Lawyer- Vol. 36 No.1

The following content is restricted to members only. Please login in order to view. If you are not a member and are interested in becoming one today click here. If you are currently logged on to the NYSBA website and still unable to access the Members Only section of the website, clear the cookies and … Continued

Countdown for Congress: A Long To-Do List

As the midterm elections loom and Congress attempts to rack up some legislative accomplishments before November, there has been positive movement on several of NYSBA’s 2022 federal priorities, and NYSBA’s leadership went to Washington virtually to lobby for more.

An Interview With Robert Abrams: New York’s Game Changer

David Miranda, host of the “Miranda Warnings” podcast, spoke to Robert Abrams about his years as New York State attorney general and about his recently published book, “The Luckiest Guy in the World,” a memoir that takes the reader through his three decades in politics.

Government Relations Newsletter— Vol. 2

Welcome to NYSBA’s Government Relations Newsletter. We hope this will help keep our members informed about what is happening in the legislative arena and learn about NYSBA’s advocacy on policies that matter to our Association. What’s happening in the State Capitol: February flew by with just three short weeks of legislative sessions. Lawmakers held hearings … Continued

NYSBA’S Legislative Priorities: Where We Stand

There are many critical issues that warrant Congressional attention, and NYSBA will continue vigorous advocacy on several that affect the core mission of the Association, which is to promote equal access to justice for all.

Government Relations Newsletter— Vol. 1

Welcome to NYSBA’s Government Relations Newsletter. Stay informed on what is happening in the legislative arena and learn about NYSBA’s advocacy on policies that matter to members. What’s happening in the State Capitol: On January 18th, Governor Hochul released the executive budget outlining several of her policy and funding goals for the state of New … Continued