Practice Area: Government

Government Relations Newsletter— Vol. 4

Welcome to NYSBA’s Government Relations Newsletter. Stay informed about what is happening in the legislative arena and learn about NYSBA’s advocacy on policies that matter to members. Advocacy Advances at the State Capitol: President T. Andrew Brown and President-Elect Sherry Levin Wallach of the New York State Bar Association have spent the past few weeks … Continued

Government Relations Newsletter— Vol. 5

Welcome to NYSBA’s Government Relations Newsletter. Stay informed about what is happening in the legislative arena and learn about NYSBA’s advocacy on policies that matter to members. The 2022 State Legislative session came to an end in the wee hours of June 3. A compressed legislative session was marked by several notable achievements for NYSBA … Continued

Government Relations Newsletter— Vol. 6

Welcome to NYSBA’s Government Relations Newsletter. Stay informed about what is happening in the legislative arena and learn about NYSBA’s advocacy on policies that matter to members. Supreme Court Decisions on Guns and Abortion spurs State Extraordinary Session and Congressional Action: State: Although State Legislators were set to remain in recess and their districts until … Continued

New York State Bar Association Supports Key Investments in Governor’s Budget Proposal

The New York State Bar Association supports the key investments important to the association’s membership  that Gov. Hochul has included in her preliminary budget proposal. In particular, the association favors  the expansion and protection of reproductive health care, landmark investment in mental health care, significant criminal justice initiatives and improvements to the housing stock. The … Continued

Bill Provides $560 Million to the Legal Services Corporation

In its waning hours, the 117th Congress passed the 2023 Omnibus Appropriations bill, which included the association’s perennial federal legislative priority of increased funding for the Legal Services Corporation.  On Dec. 29, President Biden signed the measure, which provides $560 million through Sept. 30. The LSC is an independent non-profit corporation established by Congress in … Continued

New York State Bar Association Tackles the Metaverse and NFTs

At a New York State Bar Association program on the metaverse Friday at the NYU School of Law, the first order of business was establishing exactly what the metaverse is. A lot of people believe it’s a homogenous place next to the real world where avatars interact. The reality is that it’s many places and … Continued

Student Loan Forgiveness in Doubt as U.S. Supreme Court Considers Challenge

More than 40 million Americans, mostly people under 35 years of age, have student loan debt. COVID-19 has exacerbated the financial challenges these individuals face. While Congress did provide relief, more needs to be done including extending the moratorium on payments, expanding the program to private loans, and providing targeted monetary relief in cases of … Continued